Open Content - Navigating Creative Commons Licenses

By Dr. Till Kreutzer

As a practical guide, the new Handbook Open Content: Navigating Creative Commons Licenses provides people working in science, education, culture and public institutions with information about what Open Content licenses are and how they can be used to make content freely accessible. The publication by Dr. Till Kreutzer was published by Wikimedia Deutschland and the German UNESCO Commission. It is a major upgrade of the first edition which was translated into various languages, including Indonesian, German and Finnish. Read More...

OpenWRT, the GPL and the Supreme People's Court of China

By Dr. Till Jaeger

The Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China had to decide the case of Wangjing vs. Yibang, et al, (2021) Supreme Court-IP Tribunal-Civil Case-Final Judgment No.51, in which the licensing of OpenWRT as part of the software under the GPL-2.0 was invoked as a defense against the claims of the manufacturer in a copyright infringement case. Read More...

EU Cyber Resilience Act finalized in trilogues

by Florian Idelberger
Cyber Resilience Act finalized
On 1st of December the negotiators between the Commission, Council and the parliament reached an agreement in the trilogues on the final text (not currently publicly available) of the Cyber Resilience Act that was originally proposed by the EU commission on 15th September 2022 and which we reported on previously here.

The EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and Free and Open-Source Software

by Florian Idelberger
In the fall of last year, the EU Commission proposed a new regulation to improve cybersecurity in the EU. Specifically, it focuses on minimum requirements for "products with digital elements". The current proposal would likely cause irreparable harm to free and open-source software, potentially isolating the EU software market from global open-source projects.

Fedora changes the classification of Creative Commons License Zero (CC0)

by Florian Idelberger


The Fedora Project announced that it changed its classification of CC0 for use in program source code. Free- and Open-Source software developers are not always fond of software licenses but see them more as a necessary evil. When they want to grant almost all rights away, within the limits of the law, they might choose a license such as CC0.


Revisiting Top System

Florian Idelberger

Just this past Wednesday, the European Court of Justice handed down a judgement in the case C-13/20 Top System on the right to decompilation by a purchaser of software to fix errors, which was discussed here previously in the context of the right to repair. Read More...

Litigation on LibreOffice Derivative in Russian Courts

Dr. Till Jaeger
Special legal challenges with regard to free and open source software have occurred in Russian law.

Source-available licenses - Elastiscsearch and SSPL

Florian Idelberger
Time and time again, companies have struggled with their licensing. It has often been a challenge for companies to find a business model that enables them to make money, but still provide truly open-source software. That said, the precise economics are often not verifiable as it is also possible that at some point a pivot to a more closed license is simply an enabler to achieve higher market share, whereas in other cases it is about survival.

OpenChain als ISO/IEC 5230:2020 veröffentlicht

Dr. Till Jaeger
Das von mehreren IT-Unternehmen wie Qualcomm und Siemens initiierte und unter dem Dach der Linux Foundation organisierte OpenChain Projekt ist nunmehr als ISO-Standard akzeptiert und als ISO/IEC 5230:2020 veröffentlicht worden.


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