V. Judgements

1. Germany

a. Copyright and Unfair Competition Law

  1. LG Halle, 2015-07-15, Case No. 4 O 133/15

    danger of recurrence of a violation after the violator acts in conformance with the GPL again (clause 8 para 3 GPLv3); cease and desist letter and order

    Link: http://www.landesrecht.sachsen-anhalt.de/jportal/portal/t/1mr1/page/bssahprod.psml?doc.hl=1&doc.id=JURE150012453&documentnumber=1&showdoccase=1&doc.part=L

  2. OLG Köln, 2014-10-31, Case No. 6 U 60/14

    non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (unported); damages for non-commercial use

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/artikel/olg-k-ln-ffentlicher-rundfunk-non-commercialhttp://medien-internet-und-recht.de/pdf/VT-MIR-2014-Dok-121.pdf

  3. LG Köln, 2014-07-17, Case No. 14 O 463/13

    Use of GPLed source code in LGPL software; infringer's profit as damages

    Link: http://dejure.org/2014,35553

  4. LG Köln, 2014-03-05, Case No. 28 O 232/13

    non-commercial use under CC-BY-NC 2.0 (unported)

    Link: http://www.lhr-law.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/geschwärztes-Urteil-LG-Köln-2.pdf, http://www.ifross.org/artikel/lg-k-ln-beschr-nkt-cc-nc-rein-private-nutzungen

  5. LG Hamburg, 2013-06-14, Case No. 308 O 10/13

    Welte ./. Fantec GmbH

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/sites/default/files/130618%20Urteil%20Fantec.pdf

  6. LG Berlin, 2011-11-08, Case No. 16 O 255/10

    AVM ./. Cybits (Hauptsache)

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/sites/default/files/LG Berlin AVM v Cybits_0.pdf

  7. LG Bochum, 2011-02-10, Case No. I-8 O 293/09

    adhoc dataservice GmbH ./. Buhl Data Service GmbH

    Link: http://www.telemedicus.info/urteile/Urheberrecht/Open-Source/1148-LG-Bochum-Az-I-8-O-29309-Ansprueche-bei-Verletzung-der-LGPL.html

  8. LG Hamburg, 2010-12-10, Case No. 406 O 50/10


    Link: http://openjur.de/u/69386.html

  9. LG Berlin, 2010-10-08, Case No. 16 O 458/10

    Creative Commons-Lizenz „Attribution – ShareAlike 3.0 Unported“

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/Fremdartikel/LG Berlin CC-Lizenz.pdf

    (English Translation, thanks to John Hendrik Weitzmann:


  10. LG München I, 2007-07-12, Case No. 7 O 5245/07

    Welte ./. Skype Technologies S.A.

    Link: http://www.ifross.de/Fremdartikel/LGMuenchenUrteil.pdf

  11. LG Frankfurt a.M., 2006-09-06, Case No. 2-6 O 224/06

    Welte ./. D-Link Deutschland GmbH

    Link: http://www.jbb.de/fileadmin/download/urteil_lg_frankfurt_gpl.pdf

    English translation: http://www.jbb.de/fileadmin/download/judgment_dc_frankfurt_gpl.pdf

  12. LG Berlin, 2006-02-21, Case No. 16 O 134/06


    Link: http://www.ifross.de/Fremdartikel/LG%20Berlin%20GPL-Entscheidung21.2.06.pdf

  13. LG München I, 2004-05-19, Case No. 21 O 6123/04

    Welte ./. Sitecom Deutschland GmbH

    Link: http://www.jbb.de/fileadmin/download/urteil_lg_muenchen_gpl.pdf

    English translation: http://www.jbb.de/fileadmin/download/judgment_dc_munich_gpl.pdf

b. Other Rights

  1. OLG Düsseldorf, 2012-04-24, Case No. 1-20 U 176/11

    satco europe GmbH ./. Dream Property GmbH

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/sites/default/files/OLG Duesseldorf satco europe v Dream Property.pdf

  2. OLG Düsseldorf, 2010-09-28, Case No. I-20 U 41/09

    xt: commerce

    Link: http://www.ifross.de/Fremdartikel/OLGDuesseldorfxtcommerce.pdf

  3. BPatG, 2009-12-17, Case No. 25 W (pat) 65/08

    „Linuxwerkstatt“ (§ 8 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 MarkenG)

    Link: http://www.bundespatentgericht.de/bpatg/leitsaetze/marken/25065_08.pdf

  4. BPatG, 2008-09-30, Case No. 33 W (pat) 1/07

    "Open Source Broker"

    Link: http://juris.bundespatentgericht.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bpatg&Art=en&sid=71106ec331426a33cc72cf400983e7ba&nr=10116&pos=0&anz=1&Blank=1.pdf

2. USA

  1. US District Court, E.D. New York, 2017-02-24, Case No. 16-CV-1462 (DRH)(ARL)

    Great Minds v. Fedex Office and Print Services Inc.

    copies by means of commercial agent held non-commercial under creative commons 4.0-BY-NC-SA international

    Link: https://creativecommons.org/2017/02/24/update-great-minds-v-fedex-office...

  3. US District Court, N.D. California, 2014-05-16, Case No. 5:13-cv-05161-PSG

    XimpleWare v. Versata et al
    partial dismissal

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/artikel/ximpleware-v-versata-et-al-gplv2-bezogene-patentrechtliche-fragen, http://ia601009.us.archive.org/15/items/gov.uscourts.cand.271648/gov.uscourts.cand.271648.85.0.pdf

  4. US District Court, W.D. Texas, 2014-03-11, Case No. A-14-CA-12-SS

    Versata v. Ameriprise

    Link: http://www.ifross.org/node/1542, http://scribd.com/doc/212507936/Versata-Software-v-Ameriprise

  5. N.D.Tex., 2009-01-16, Case No. 3:2007cv01767

    Chang et al v. Virgin Mobile USA LLC et al

    Link: http://dockets.justia.com/docket/texas/txndce/3:2007cv01767/171558/

  6. US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 2008-08-13, Case No. 2008-1001.

    Jacobsen v. Katzer

    Link: http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/08-1001.pdf

  7. US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 2006-11-09, Case No. 06-2454.

    Wallace v. IBM

    Link: http://www.internetlibrary.com/pdf/Wallace-IBM-7th-Cir.pdf

  8. US District Court Southern District of Indiana, 2005-11-28, Case No. 05-618.

    Wallace v. FSF

    Link: http://www.internetcases.com/library/cases/2005-11-28_wallace_v_fsf.pdf

3. Other Countries

  1. District Court of Jerusalem, 2011-01-06, Case No. CA 3560/09, CA 3561/09

    Link: http://www.law.co.il/media/computer-law/reuveni_rivlin.pdf


  2. Le Tribunal de première instance de Nivelles, 2010-10-26, Case No. 09-1684-A.

    Allard et al v. Festival de Theatre de Spa

    Link: http://www.technollama.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/2010-10-26-D%C3%A9cision-trib.-Nivelles-Lich%C3%B4dmapwa.pdf

  3. Cour d'Appel de Paris, 2009-09-16, Case No. 04/24298

    AFPA v. EDU 4

    Link: http://fsffrance.org/news/arret-ca-paris-16.09.2009.pdf

  4. Rechtbank Amsterdam, 2006-03-09, Case No. 334492 / KG 06-176 SR.

    Curry v. Audax

    Link: http://zoeken.rechtspraak.nl/resultpage.aspx?snelzoeken=true&searchtype=ljn&ljn=AV4204&u_ljn=AV4204

    English translation at http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/judgements/Curry-Audax-English.pdf

  5. Juzgado de Primera Instancia nº 6 de Badajoz, 2006-02-17, Case No. 15/2006,

    Disco Bar Metropol

    Link: http://www.derecho-internet.org/node/363

    (English translation at http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/judgements/SGAE-Fernandez-English.pdf)
